Change of Plans -- Animal Day

Discovered yesterday that our day tour of the Daintree rainforest is scheduled for Saturday so new Friday plans were made: the Andersons and Elder Hoovers would head to the wildlife sanctuary in Port Douglas while the Younger Hoovers would do a day trip to Kuranda that features a cable car and train up and down the mountains -- again in the rainforest area.
For Meredith Anderson, this day will most likely be the highlight of her trip since all she has wanted to do was visit the Koala Brothers who star in one of her favorite TV shows. It was awesome!!! We fed three types of kangaroos (Wallabies, Wallaroos and Kangaroos), saw a monster-sized croc, tons of beautiful birds, and of course Meredith's Koala Brothers. Head Bloke/Grampy Hoover took the Koala photos so I'll need to upload one another time. I will try to get Mark, Barbara and Sydney to give a full report of their adventure.
Last night's dinner was one of those disastrous times you just put behind you. In a nutshell, the kitchen of the "best family restaurant in town" was overwhelmed which translated to being served more than an hour after ordering -- not good when you have an 18 month old and 3 1/2 year old ready for bed. The food was pretty bad also -- discovered today that you should oder their pizza which of course we had not. Oh well.
Chez Anderson was a popular place this morning -- after Big Daddy had been ridiculed for buying a dozen eggs the day before sure enough Lisa found herself cooking up the whole carton for the Andersons and the hungry Elder Hoovers.
That's probably it for today -- soon will be heading to the beach and the plan is to order pizza tonight and enjoy a good volume of Australia wine. Tomorrow we'll be in the Daintree all day.
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