Sunday, July 17, 2005

Sunday continued

So I can't believe I let Barbara post without censoring her. No worries.

So today we saw a couple of towns of 3OO and maybe 13OO people. Lucky enough to see The Purple Pub in Normanton -- Sammy says if you haven't been there you can't say you've been everywhere in Australia. We had a great lunch in Normanton. -- where instead of pigeons they have hords of hawks looking for scraps. Wild..

We also saw Burke and Wills -- basically a truck stop. You think the winner of American Idol has it bad? In the men's room at Burke and Wells there was a flyer posted announcing the appearance of the winner of Australian Idol. Whew -- now that's rough.

It was so bad there we chose to push on another 2 hours to where we are now.

Remember when I wrote of the Road Trains? We experienced them in all their glory today -- pretty harrowing when you dive off the road as far as you can before going into a ditch and you still think this 15O meter beast is going to take you out. Incredible.

Before I sigmn off for the night the Head Bloke wanted me to pass along that everyone is well.

Tomorrow should be a pretty leisurely drive since we made good time today. We may not have internet access until Alice Springs (Thursday or Friday) which means no photos until then.

G'day and goodnight -- wish us luck with the Road Trains tomorrow.

-- Big Daddy
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